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- Short: AutoPDF 1.5a - Convert Postscript to PDF
- Author: Designburo.nl
- Uploader: Designburo.nl (info@designburo.nl)
- Version: 1.5a
- Type: text/misc
- Replaces: AutoPDF15.lha
- Required: Ghostscript, copy (, lha, lzx, zip, EPSLab)
- Changes in this version [1.5a]
- Added the option to save your settings (on request)
- When you have once saved your settings you can run AutoPDF with the option load.
- e.g. AutoPDF load
- It will then run AutoPDF with your previous saved settings.
- Settings saved are: PNG preview yes/no; source/destination dir; pack method; resolution and if verbose should be on yes/no
- It saves your settings in the S: assignment, so make sure you have one (but you should as it is part of the AmigaOS)
- Be sure to also checkout AutoPS.
- This utility automatically print postscript files in a given directory to your printer using ghostscript (and turboprint)
- -----
- Changes in this version [1.5]
- More structered programming, should create faster results
- Added the option of choosing a resolution for the PDF and PNG.
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- Changes in this version [1.4b]
- Ironed out some glitches.
- Added more support (and documented) for the EPS feature.
- Should be a bit faster as well.
- Any [productive] suggestions are welcome.
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- Changes in this version [1.4a] [not uploaded to Aminet]
- PNG preview for every page in a PDF file, not just the last page.
- PNG previews are sequentially numbered at the end of the file name.
- Added a 'Check for updates' menu option.
- Added possibility to interupt AutoPDF when it is already started converting a directory.
- -----
- New in this version [1.4]
- Added the option to automatically create a full color PNG file.
- Sometimes it is not possible to view your PDF file correctly on the Amiga.
- With the PNG option AutoPDF will also create a PNG picture of the PDF file, so you can check if all looks fine!
- * added and undocumented feature to automatically create EPS files that you can load into Pagestream with a preview picture!
- For example:
- You create a really nice looking logo in Drawstudio, but the postscript export is virtually unuseable in Pagestream, since you only get a
- Bounding box.. OK, let's use ghostscript to create a tiff preview and use EPSLab to include it into the EPS, you think! That's where it goes wrong..
- Ghostscript will create a full LEGAL size paper with the logo on the bottom as a tiff preview.
- This means that your eps preview in pagestream is completely useless!!
- Solution: Load your in e.g. Drawstudio created logo into Pagestream, adjust your Page size in pagestream to exactly match the dimensions
- of the eps bounding box (use the toolbox coordinates of Pagestream).
- Now save this as a .ps file with e.g. a Linotronic PPD file and fill in the paper dimensions again in the postscript printer setup.
- Make sure you have an assign for epslab called EPSLab:
- run AutoPDF with following options:
- AutoPDF EPS <source dir> <dest. dir> [-v]
- :Important: You have to end the source and destination paths with a "/".
- :-v is optional, but should be the last argument.
- Copy the created .ps file from pagestream to the source directory you gave AutoPDF.
- After the magic is done, you will have your logo as an EPS file in the destination directory..
- Just load it up into Pagestream, at the import filter choose 'EPS' and voila!!
- Remember!!! You see a tiff preview when working in Pagestream, this will not be transparant!
- As soon as you print (TO POSTSCRIPT!) it will use the original EPS file with transparency and gradients!!
- We as a designburo need these kind of files badly, hope you find them usefull as well!
- ---
- New in this version [1.3]:
- On request added the possibility to start the program only converting one file, with an optional Packing method.
- There's now also a menu option to prevent the source file from being deleted.
- note:Read something concering Ghostscript 6.5, if this becomes available for Amiga, AutoPDF will support it!
- note[2]: Still haven't received any faxes :-)
- ---
- New in this version [1.2]:
- Since I got a lot of response to this little program and some hints as how to
- improve it I've done following:
- * You can now choose a new destination and source directory with the menubar.
- * The program can be started with a -v option.
- This shows Ghostscript and other information in the shell you started the program from.
- This can be helpfull to know if a PDF creation has succeeded.
- * If you have lha, lzx or zip in your c: directory, menuitems will automatically be added on startup
- and you can then choose to also pack the pdf file to reduce size with one of the above packers.
- That's about it..
- The program is now FAXware, so fax us someting if you like the program..
- (We just bought a new faxmachine, you see :-))
- - General information --
- Macintosh has a program called Distiller.
- This program converts postscript files in a certain source directory to PDF files in an output directory.
- We (Amiga) have Ghostscript to create PDF files.
- AutoPDF uses Ghostscript to convert postscript files into PDF files.
- The nice thing about AutoPDF is that it will monitor a given directory untill files (or just one) are copied into it, then
- it will convert the file to a PDF file placing it (and the original file) into a given destination directory.
- Just run AutoPDF in the background and it will convert any postscript file placed in the source directory automatically.
- However, since creating a PDF file with Ghostscript eats up most of your processor time, conversion will only start after
- 'activating' the AutoPDF window.
- I've written this program to save time in converting to PDF files, however NO error checks are programmed!
- If you run the program with non existing directories, AutoPDF will monitor these (non-existing) directories until it's terminated.
- Also.. Ghostscript preferably like Postscript files created with the AdobeDistiller.ppd file. Other postscript
- files might result into errors. For more info have a look at the GhostScript documentation.
- AutoPDF looks for Ghostscripts executable "GS" in the assign "Ghostscript:".
- Usage:
- AutoPDF <source dir> <dest. dir> [-v]
- or
- AutoPDF <if={path+file}> <of={Path+file}> pack=LHA|LZX|ZIP [-v]
- e.g.
- AutoPDF DH0:PDF/in/ DH1:Out/
- or
- AutoPDF if=RAM:test.ps of=DH1:PDF/Out/test.pdf pack=LHA -v
- Important: You have to end the source and destination paths with a "/".
- -v is optional, but should be the last argument.
- **You can try to use AutoPDF AppWindow, but this is just someting I tried, don't expect to much..
- **You can quit this version from the Workbench tool menu..
- This program is freeware and hopefully some DTP'rs out there might find it usefull.
- Drop us a note if you like it (or not..)
- Designburo.nl
- Email: info@designburo.nl
- Fax: +31 (0)162 461885
- http://www.designburo.nl